Fluid Machinery Design and Modeling

Informazioni generali

Docente responsabile

Vincenzo MULONE


The course provides advanced knowledge for the design of fluid machines, in particular dynamic (turbo) compressors and turbines. Once the fluid dynamics equations are briefly introduced, the phenomenological aspects of vorticity transport, of boundary layer and of compressibility effects of the fluid are studied in depth for the design of dynamic (turbo) machines for industrial, aerospace and automotive applications. The fundamentals of integrated turbomachinery design with the systems connected to them are also described.


Eventuali propedeuticità

The student should have already attended the basic courses of calculus, geometry, physics, heat transfer, energy conversion and fluid mechanics.

It is required that the student has good skills with regard to the differential and integral calculus, the matrix calculation and the linear algebra, the basics of thermodynamics and heat transfer.

Testi di riferimento

Per ulteriore approfondimento:

Modalità d'esame

The student's assessment is carried out with a project test and an oral one.

In the project test students are grouped by three, working on a topic proposed by them and agreed with the instructor. Groups must develop the topic, implementing models to characterize innovative systems and related components. Results must be provided in form of a 10 page scientific paper, providing the background, the model details, results, conclusions and a reference list. The project test is evaluated with a grade between 0 and 10. Access to the oral exam is given once the design test is done with a grade of at least 5.

In the oral exam the student will have to demonstrate sufficient knowledge about machine design, operation, control and functioning. The learning outcomes of the student will be verified with respect to advanced aspects of the design and operation of the machines, through questions initially about the basic principles of operation, discussing the operating and simplifying hypotheses and the effect of the variability of the operating parameters on the machine performance.

The final grade is determined by 1/3 of the grade obtained in the project and by 2/3 by the grade (out of scale of 20) obtained at the end of the oral test.

Scheda insegnamento

file icon pdf Scheda insegnamento Fluid Machinery Design and Modeling (188 kB)

Ultimo aggiornamento Venerdì 22 Settembre 2023 14:36